13 Results ✔️ Vape Cartridges

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Vaping has quickly become a discrete, popular way to consume cannabis. Vape cartridges are easily the most important part of your vape or vape pen. The vape cartridge holds all the goodies. There are plenty of different cartridges for all types of people.

The taste of what you are vaping seems to be what consumers flock to the most! Cartridges can range in flavor anywhere from a mint flavor to that pink lemonade you remember from childhood. The flavor possibilities are truly endless.

In addition to the flavor, consumers also choose cartridges based on THC and CBD levels. Some hold higher CBD content and some hold higher THC levels. This is really a matter of personal preference. Some hold things like distillates and other e-liquids.

There are options to purchase refillable cartridges, which are optimal for folks who vape on the regular. You could even refill the cartridges with oil you have made!