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29 Results ✔️ Cases
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It’s time to move on from that jar or zip lock bag in your sock drawer. Though there are many different ways to store your weed and marijuana essentials, it is important to invest in a case. There are many different sizes as well as styles out there. Great weed cases should be smell-proof as well as shock-absorbent.
There is a case available for all types of needs whether you would prefer something more discreet or a more stylish and flashy option. Some cases have locks on them or have customizable compartments. This is great if you will be carrying other marijuana essentials other than the weed itself.
Examples of some materials used for weed cases are aluminum, glass, and even bamboo. Some cases are safer for your stash and essentials than others. This is due to features like a foam-lined interior or a waterproof shell! There are luckily many affordable options. Ditch that baggy and transfer your goods to a case.